Welcometothelaunchofmybook,acrossoverofnon-fiction,advice,crimethrilleraboutbullyinganda portionofcomedy,basedonatruestoryaboutbossingbehindtheotherwiseimpenetrablefenceoftheUS militaryfacilitiesinWiesbaden!However,itisnotaboutthewayofdealingwithanykindofdepression,nor isitacollectionofdrytheories,butratheradeclarationofwar,toldinanexcitingandsnappyway,and withusefultipsfromreality.Itisintendedtoeducate,entertain,motivatethoseaffectedtotakeupthe fight against bullies and help managers and superiors to banish bullying from their area of responsibility.
Bullying, bossing and staffing are more widespread than is generally assumed and visible.One third of all employees is/was being bullied at least once.Bosses are involved in about 47% of all bullying cases.Psychopathsand narcissistsnaturally push for leadership positions and cause immense damage during the process and afterwards.Advantage seekers and power-hungry opportunists join in!My book “When Bullying is a Top Priority“ deals constructively with the fight against these tormentors.Bullying gets under your skin. Don't get wounded.Take up the fight! Strengthen your resilience!
Bullying is the coward's and incompetent's way of pushing out individuals of their environment who bother them!
Bullying, bossing and staffing are more widespread than is generally assumed and visible.One third of all employees is/was being bullied at least once.Bosses are involved in about 47% of all bullying cases.Psychopathsand narcissistsnaturally push for leadership positions and cause immense damage during the process and afterwards.Advantage seekersand power-hungry opportunists join in!My book “When Bullying is a Top Priority“ deals constructively with the fight against these tormentors.Bullying gets under your skin. Don't get wounded.Take up the fight! Strengthen your resilience!
Bullying is the coward's and incompetent's way of pushing out individuals of their environment who bother them!
Bullying Crime at Wiesbaden
Welcometothelaunchofmybook,a crossoverofnon-fiction,advice,crime thrilleraboutbullyingandaportionof comedy,basedonatruestoryabout bossingbehindtheotherwiseimpenetrable fenceoftheUSmilitaryfacilitiesin Wiesbaden!However,itisnotaboutthe wayofdealingwithanykindofdepression, norisitacollectionofdrytheories,but ratheradeclarationofwar,toldinan excitingandsnappyway,andwithuseful tipsfromreality.Itisintendedtoeducate, entertain,motivatethoseaffectedtotake upthefightagainstbulliesandhelpmanagersandsuperiorstobanish bullying from their area of responsibility.